Wanying Ling (She/Her/Hers)

Curated Reading List - 2023

My Favourite Top 10

  1. Decomposition of Differentials in Health Expectancies From Multistate Life Tables: A Research Note., Demography. Shen, Tianyu, Tim Riffe, Collin F. Payne, and Vladimir Canudas-Romo. 2022.
  2. The Social Construction of Age: Concepts and Measurement., Annual Review of Sociology. Johfre, Sasha, and Aliya Saperstein. 2023.
  3. Diverging destinies in East Asia, Annual Review of Sociology. James M. Raymo, Hyunjoon Park and Jia Yu. 2023.
  4. Patterns and Life Course Determinants of Black-White Disparities in Biological Age Acceleration: A Decomposition Analysis, Demography. Boen, Courtney, Y. Claire Yang, Allison E. Aiello, Alexis C. Dennis^, Kathleen Mullan Harris, Dayoon Kwon, and Daniel Belsky. 2023.
  5. Gender, Education, and Cohort Differences in Healthy Working Life Expectancy at Age 50 Years in Australia: A Longitudinal Analysis, The Lancet Public Health. Hambisa, Mitiku Teshome, Richard Tawiah, Carol Jagger, and Kim M. Kiely. 2023.
  6. Racial, Ethnic, Nativity, and Educational Disparities in Cognitive Impairment and Activity Limitations in the United States, 1998–2016., Demography. Sharma, Shubhankar, Jo Mhairi Hale, Mikko Myrskylä, and Hill Kulu. 2023.
  7. How Bad Could It Be? Worst-Case Bounds on Bias in Multistate Models Due to Unobserved Transitions., Sociological Methods & Research. Dudel, Christian, and Daniel C. Schneider. 2023.
  8. The Story of Pain: From Prayer to Painkillers, OUP Oxford. Bourke, Joanna. 2014.
  9. Tattooed: The Sociogenesis of a Body Art, University of Toronto Press. Atkinson, Michael. 2003.
  10. 管理型中介:家政劳动力市场的中介控制研究, 社会学研究.肖索未、陈宗仕、杨伊萌. 2023.