Wanying Ling (She/Her/Hers)

Curated Reading List - 2021

My Favourite Top 10

  1. Simulating Family Life Courses: An Application for Italy, Great Britain, Norway, and Sweden., Demographic Research. Winkler-Dworak, Maria, Eva Beaujouan, Paola Di Giulio, and Martin Spielauer. 2021.
  2. In the Name of the Father? Fertility, Religion, and Child Naming in the Demographic Transition, Demography. Connor, Dylan Shane. 2021.
  3. The Social and Sociological Consequences of China’s One-Child Policy, Annual Review of Sociology. Cai, Yong, and Wang Feng. 2021.
  4. What matters more for employees’ mental health: job quality or job quantity?, Cambridge Journal of Economics. Wang, Senhu, Daiga Kamerāde, Brendan Burchell, Adam Coutts, and Sarah Ursula Balderson. 2022.
  5. Why Precarious Work Is Bad for Health: Social Marginality as Key Mechanisms in a Multi-National Context, Social Forces. Macmillan, Ross, and Michael J. Shanahan. 2021.
  6. The Society of Algorithms, Annual Review of Sociology. Jenna Burrell and Marion Fourcade. 2021.
  7. 中国的姓氏、籍贯和长期代际流动性(1645—2012)., 经济学(季刊). 郝煜. 2021.
  8. 重建“多民族中国”的历史叙事:20世纪中国民族史观的形成、演变与竞争., 社会. 王娟. 2021.
  9. 质性社会学研究的差异性发问和发问艺术, 社会学研究. 赵鼎新. 2021.
  10. 社会学的文化转向如何避免“装饰社会学”陷阱?, 社会科学.胡安宁. 2021.