Wanying Ling (She/Her/Hers)

About Me

Born in Chengde, Hebei Province and grew up in Chifeng and Beijing in the north of China. I have experience living in both rural and urban areas of China.

My disciplinary background is diverse. During my undergraduate studies, I first studied philosophy, then statistics, which I switched to, and a minor in sociology. During my master's degree I chose to specialise in demography, where I was initially interested in formal demography and later did some research on healthy life expectancy. Currently, my research topics focus on work and health.

I strive to produce more high quality research results for myself and my awesome collaborators. I also like to offer as much as I can to all my researchers so that we can thrive together, which is what drives me to write research notes, popular science articles, etc. I believe that knowledge is only as valuable as the process of spreading it.

My life outside of work is simple and rich. The following word cloud sums up my hobbies.

Of course, I enjoy more than what's listed above. But I wish to keep this site focused on the academic and professional side of me. Hope every one who happens to drop by this site finds it useful to some extent. If not, please feel free to contact me. My email can be found on the home page.